Mercat de Sant Antoni

Municipality: Barcelona

Region: Barcelonès

Chronology: 1st – 18th century AD.

Promoter: Barcelona Municipal Market Institute

Dates: January-February 2017

The archaeological intervention carried out in the Mercat de Sant Antoni during the years 2014 and 2015 revealed a section of the coastal branch of the Via Augusta with funerary monuments around it. The patrimonial interest of this finding, which also includes the trace of one of the axes of the centuriation of the colony’s ager, led to the modification of the original constructive project of the Mercat de Sant Antoni, with the aim of preserving and incorporating a part of this complex into the new market building. In order to guarantee the viability of this project, which contemplated the construction of four underground plants, a system of temporary detachment of the remains was adopted to continue the drainage of land. During the execution of these tasks and for reasons of security it was necessary to temporarily paralyze the archaeological excavation of this space.

Between the months of January and February 2017 archaeological works were resumed. They were led by archaeologist Emiliano Hinojo. The main objective of this action was to fully document the sectors still unexcavated. Also had the ultimate purpose of cleaning and adapting the Roman structures preserved for their future visit.