Who are we
ARQUEÒLEGS.CAT (Catarqueolegs,SL) is born from the union of a group of archaeologists with more than 20 years of experience in the fields of historical research and professional archaeology (with more than 300 archaeological directions), but also in the field of the management of historical and cultural heritage. These works have been developed throughout the Catalan territory as well as beyond our borders (Aragon, Andalusia, Castilla, Balearic Islands, Egypt, Uzbekistan...).
ARQUEÒLEGS.CAT sets up a multidisciplinary scientific work group, with archaeologists, museologists, conservators, historians, anthropologists or topographers, who ensure a rigorous research work. Thus, Arqueòlegs.cat guarantees an efficient management of the archaeological interventions, either from the point of view of archaeological research, conservation, museology and heritage outreach.

Born in 1978 and resident in Horta d'Avinyó, he has been working in professional archaeology since 2001, participating in archaeological interventions of all historical periods in the Catalan territory but also in Spain and abroad. His specialization is archaeological methodology.

Born in 1976 and resident in Artés, he holds a degree in History from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has conducted more than 100 archaeological directions. Although working in all the historical periods, his specialization is the Roman and Early Medieval periods. He is also municipal archaeologist and director of the Artés museum.

Born in 1977 and resident in Manresa, he is Doctor in Ancient History and Archaeology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has conducted more than 80 archaeological directions. Although working in all historical periods, its specialization is the Iberian and Roman Republican periods. He is also municipal archaeologist at Bolvir and Adjunct Lecturer in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, in the Departament de Ciències d’Antiguitat i de l’Edat Mitjana.
Press about us
Bolvir crea amb la UAB un curs d'estiu per a arqueòlegs amateurs al Castellot
Les excavacions al Castellot de Bolvir aprofundiran en l'estudi de la fase romana
Bolvir tendrá un centro de interpretación de los restos íberos del Castellot en junio de 2014
Descobreixen una torre de muralla romana al jaciment del Castellot de Bolvir
Les excavacions del Castellot de Bolvir es duran a terme per estudiants de tot el món
Descubren un enterramiento en el asentamiento beliforano de La Mesa
Unas obras hallan restos del antiguo castillo de Olesa de Montserrat
Unas obras descubren restos del antiguo castillo de Olesa de Montserrat
Noves visites guiades a les troballes arqueològiques al voltant de l'església de Santa Maria
"Aquí, l’assalariat va abans que nosaltres”
Artés engrandeix el seu patrimoni medieval
«Som uns apassionats de l'arqueologia i no volem canviar de professió»
Historiadors i arqueòlegs xifren en una vintena els túnels de Puigcerdà
Les excavacions al Castellot de Bolvir marquen l’inici dels treballs arqueològics a la Cerdanya
El Castellot de Bolvir, l'únic jaciment documentat on es treballava l'or en la Catalunya antiga
Descobreixen un túnel sota el temple romà de Vic
Troben un túnel al nucli antic de Vic que podria ser de l'època romana
Els quatre Arqueòlegs.cat són de la Catalunya Central i amb seu a Artés