Municipality: Vallirana
Region: Baix Llobregat
Chronology: 9th to 18th centuries AD
Promoter: Ajuntament de Vallirana
Dates: May 2018
The archaeological intervention was in the framework of the plan for the restoration and rehabilitation of the Ermita de San Silvestre and its surroundings, drafted by the architect Josep Maria Pujol Torres and commissioned by the Ajuntament de Vallirana. Based on this project, and according to the guidelines and specifications established by the Servei de Paleontologia i Arqueologia of the Departament de Cultura of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the municipal consistory, the main objective of the intervention was to provide new data about this singular building and its surroundings. The intervention was carried out by archaeologist Emiliano Hinojo.
The works consisted in the excavation of the interior of the hermitage until exhausting the archaeological stratigraphy. On the other hand, a trench was done in the outside perimeter in order to check the state of the foundations of the walls. Moreover, it was intended to detect the presence of possible archaeological remains and to obtain the maximum information before starting the future restoration and rehabilitation work of the building.