Location: Carrer d'en Lladó no. 55-67. Barri de Dalt la Vila.
Municipality: Badalona
Region: Barcelonès
Chronology: Roman era. Ist c. BC - III c. AD. Modern era 17th-18th centuries.
Developers: Ministerio de Fomento, Ajuntament de Badalona
Dates: May - June 2017
The archaeological intervention at Casa de l'Heura in the Roman city of Baetulo consisted in the realization of different types of actions derived from the site museum project, which were directed by archaeologist Emiliano Hinojo. First of all, the specificity of the museum's actuation obliged to conduct several preliminary actions of provisional protection of the archaeological remains (mainly walls and pavements in the southern sector of the domus). This would allow intervening in the site during the course of the works with the aim of not damaging the pre-served archaeological remains.
Secondly, the archaeological excavation of certain areas of the site that were not exhausted during the intervention carried out between the years 1999-2000 was considered. The main objective was to obtain all the possible information coming from the archaeological remains that could appear. The works allowed us to identify five phases of occupation with a chronology that goes from the last quarter of the 1st century BC to the middle of the second century AD. A Modern phase was also documented with various structures and anthropic actions on the site.