Municipality: Vic
District: Osona
Chronology: 10th to 18th centuries AD
Promoter: Fundació Hospital de la Santa Creu
Dates: December 2016 - April 2018
This archaeological intervention was conducted due to the will of the Hospital de la Santa Creu de Vic to create a car parking in an annexed area. It was carried out in different campaigns between the end of 2016 and the month of April of 2018. Thus, the discovery of different archaeological remains during the works forced the excavation in extension of the area, which was directed by archaeologist Marta Ramon.
The area of the excavation consisted of a large plot of about 4000m2 in which three different sites were located. The first one was located in the most southern part. It consisted in a modern necropolis linked precisely to the Hospital de la Santa Creu. Specifically, the necropolis consisted in four large burial pits with a chronology between the 17th and 19th centuries. In this sector it was also possible to locate the so-called “Muralla del Morbo”, a planned enclosure wall built in the 17th century.
In the west area of the necropolis a large production oven was identified, with different phases of use between the 10th and 15th centuries. It had a double combustion chamber and some related spaces in the posterior part. The type of production conducted in the oven is unknown but it is possible that it was for constructive material.
Finally, in the northernmost part, a medieval neighbourhood was identified, probably from the 13th century. It was defined by the presence of eight houses with an extended plant and that could have up to three rooms. Its distribution showed that there would have been a façade line in the current “carrer del Dr. Junyent”. Therefore, that would indicate the existence of an old route of arrival into the city of Vic. The houses would have been abandoned during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.